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Chairman, WuYan attend Dalian University of Technology


In the antemeridiem of Oct.29th,2010, Chairman, WuYan attend Dalian University of Technology " LIMAC grants" sign and issue ceremony. The Ceremony was held in conference room of Dalian University of Technology, host by dalian university student affairs, deputy director of Guo Yongxin.
LIMAC director of the President office ,MS.Ma Guihuan first introduced the LIMAC related conditions and grants established relevant circumstances, LIMAC deputy President Mr. Du Jianyi with deputy President of Dalian University of Technology Xue Guang professor together signed the " LIMAC grants" agreement.

Deputy President of Dalian University of Technology Xue Guang professor and chairman of  LIMAC, WuYan respectively made speeches, to congratulate the funding students, and encourage students to cher?ish award honors, study hard, and put own ambition with national and the development of the school and need combining, make oneself become useful person, make contribution to social development and social returns. And said the two sides will go all out to further deepen cooperation, and joint efforts for the " LIMAC " grants management, review an??d funding work ,ensure special grants smooth implement.

Chairman, WuYan attend Dalian University of Technology " LIMAC grants" sign and issue ceremony.
LIMAC deputy President Mr. Du Jianyi with deputy President of Dalian University of Technology Xue Guang professor
together signed the " LIMAC grants" agreement.
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